I am making some picture frames for my grandmother right now (more on that in my next post) and since I'll be making tons a 45 degree cuts, I thought it best to make a user friendly and efficient miter jig. I thought of using the traditional one that came with my table saw, but I wasn't looking forward to using it for the 48 cuts I had to make. So, I decided to make a better one.
Here's a pic of the traditional miter jig. Tried and true it may be, but not the best for multiple cuts (at least not the one I have) | | | |
Voila! After 30 minutes of dedicated work, I finished this handy tool.
Here's a picture of the sled at work. (Well, not really...the saw's not moving)
So, in sum, now I have a quick and easy way to make all those tricky cuts.
Stay tuned to see the picture frames I'll be making with this!